
See the travel information for more details about suggested travel times.

On Saturday 31 August we are going to organize a little warm-up evening event, so it would be best for you to arrive in Rome already in the afternoon of Saturday 31 August. More details about the meeting here

In the evening of Saturday 7 September we are going to have the closing party, an event that you don't want to miss. You should leave Camerino not before Sunday 8 September.

Mon 2 Sep
Time Topic Speaker Tutors
09:00-09:30 Introduction Tiziano Zito
09:30-11:00 Git & GitHub Tiziano Zito ZJ RS
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Git & GitHub Tiziano Zito ZJ RS
13:00-15:00 Lunch Break  
15:00-16:00 Git & GitHub Tiziano Zito ZJ RS
16:00-17:00 Tidy data analysis and visualization Juan Nunez-Iglesias NV PH
17:00-17:30 Coffee Break
17:30-19:00 Tidy data analysis and visualization Juan Nunez-Iglesias NV PH
Tue 3 Sep
Time Topic Speaker Tutors
09:00-10:30 Testing and debugging Pietro Berkes TZ ZJ
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Testing and debugging Pietro Berkes TZ ZJ
12:30-14:30 Lunch Break  
14:30-15:30 Testing and debugging Pietro Berkes TZ ZJ
15:30-17:00 Advanced NumPy Juan Nunez-Iglesias CB JN
17:00-17:30 Coffee Break
17:30-19:00 Advanced NumPy Juan Nunez-Iglesias CB JN
Wed 4 Sep
Time Topic Speaker Tutors
09:00-11:00 Organizing, documenting, distributing Caterina Buizza, Pamela Hathway TZ JJ
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:30 Advanced scientific Python Pietro Berkes RS ZJ
13:30-XX:XX Afternoon Trip at Lago di Fiastra!
Thu 5 Sep
Time Topic Speaker Tutors
09:00-10:30 Parallel Python Jenni Rinker JN ZJ
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Parallel Python Jenni Rinker JN ZJ
13:00-15:00 Lunch Break  
15:00-15:30 Programming project introduction Rike-Benjamin Schuppner, Tiziano Zito
15:30-17:00 Programming project
17:00-17:30 Coffee Break
17:30-18:40 Programming project
18:45-19:00 Programming project – first report
Fri 6 Sep
Time Topic Speaker Tutors
09:00-10:30 Profiling, Cython and numba Nelle Varoquaux PB JR
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Profiling, Cython and numba Nelle Varoquaux PB JR
13:00-15:00 Lunch Break  
15:00-17:00 Programming project
17:00-17:30 Coffee Break
17:30-18:45 Programming project
18:45-19:00 Programming project – report
Sat 7 Sep
Time Topic Speaker
09:00-11:00 Programming project
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Programming project
13:00-15:00 Lunch Break  
15:00-17:00 Programming project
17:00 Repo freeze
17:00-17:30 Coffee Break
17:30-17:45 How to contribute to ASPP Tiziano Zito
17:45-18:00 Programming project – final report
18:00-19:00 Tournament
19:00-XX:XX Final party


  • schedule
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by jakobj